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How To Repay Your Mortgage Quicker

Is it possible to pay off your mortgage within 5-7 years? In this post , we are going to tell you exactly that, that too, without paying the double amount to the bank or without making any changes to your current earnings or even without refinancing. Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) is the strategy you can use to accelerate your mortgage repayment and become debt free fast. How a Normal Mortgage Repayment Works For example, if you borrow 2.5 hundred thousand dollars to buy a house on 5% interest rate for 30 years, we will end up paying 5 hundred thousand dollars, 2.5 hundred thousand capital amount, and another 2.5 hundred thousand as interest. A normal mortgage is fixed ended, once you have paid your money you can’t take it back, while the HELOC is open-ended and gives your flexibility in using your money and saving in the process. Why Refinancing can be expensive Well, banks make money by selling their interest-based products and at the beginning of the life of a mortga

How to Pay off Your Mortgage Quickly

Is there are a best way to pay off your mortgage quickly? Here are the five most practical tips to pay your mortgage faster. Number one simple fact is that the more you pay towards the principal amount or the actual money borrowed, the less you pay towards the interest and the faster you pay off your mortgage. Tip 1: Make extra payment towards the principal amount of your mortgage This will reduce the overall interest you pay and make your repayment much faster. If you have extra money, just go to your bank and make a payment. Make sure that you tell them it is principlal payment, so that they don’t apply it to your next monthly repayment. Tip 2: Make arrangements with the bank to pay bi-weekly instalment This will allow you to make 26 bi-weekly payments, which equals to 13 payment a year, rather than 12 payments a year. The bottom line is that you make repayment quicker and save money on interest. Tip 3: Re-mortgage your home to a lower rate Mortgage right now are